Here is what my jam supply looked like before Christmas. (The photo doesn't include any of the pickles or salsa I made or the refrigerator jam).
I could almost open a store with all of these jars. Now there's an idea! Actually, I gave most of these away as Christmas presents along with some delicious breads. However, I did keep some of each kind of jam for my canning supply.
This is what my supply of jams looks like now. Not to worry! I'll be replenishing my supply soon enough.
Here is a list of the jams I made from August - December 2009. I've included a link to the ones I posted on the blog in case you would like to try some of them for yourself. I'll be posting more soon. Stay tuned...
- Apple Butter
- Apple Pie Jam
- Apple Preserves
- Applesauce
- Autumn Cranberry Pear Jam
- Blackberry Jam
- Christmas Marmalade
- Citrus Marmalade (my favorite!)
- Cranapple Butter
- Cranberry Grapefruit Jam
- Easiest Marmalade Ever
- Peach Butter
- Peach Preserves
- Pear Butter
- Pear Pineapple Jam
- Pumpkin Butter (I didn't can this one for storage. It went in the refrigerator.)
- Strawberry Freezer Jam
- Tangerine Marmalade

The tigress' Can Jam begins Jan 1st. I can't wait! You can follow my progress on this blog. You might even want to make some of the jams yourself.
Happy Canning and Baking from The Bread Experience!
Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!
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