Is it August already? Wow! It’s been hot, hot, hot this summer but that hasn’t stopped this dedicated group of BYOB Bakers from baking bread and other goodies.

What have you been baking this summer?
If you’ve been hesitant to get in the kitchen and bake this summer, I invite you to enjoy the August BYOB roundup of breads and other baked goods. This ought to get you motivated.
I could spend the next year just baking through all of the breads and other baked goods that the other BYOB Bakers have baked this year. Enjoy!
Marion in the United Kingdom starts us out with a poem about baking bread. Very nice indeed!
This month I have tried
To be much more organised.
No 'where's a spoon, the salt, the flour?'
When it comes to kneading hour.
I planned to have the stuff laid out
Before I start my baking bout.
The plans were great - but no surprise
That it was fated otherwise.
The postman knocked - he'd a parcel brought,
The special 'must be signed for' sort.
So - to the door I had to go
With hands all lathered up in dough.
She also made some healthy breads:
Sourdough Bread With Mixed Flours, Seeds and Spices
Wholemeal and White Flour Lunch Rolls
Raisin and Sesame Seed Bread with Fresh Rosemary
I was trying to make pretzels but this reminds me of someone
Leslie of La Cocina de Leslie baked some delicious cakes, brownies and cookies this month. She also baked some yummy pies. She wasn’t sure if pies were allowed. Well, they’re definitely allowed at my house. Yum! I hope you enjoy them as well.
Mexican Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Beth of Life After Eating Disorder has gone baking… and in the process, she made some healthy blueberry muffins. Hey! If you have to be gone, I can’t think of a better way to spend your time.
Connie of mydiscoveryofbread doesn’t mind the heat. She’s been staying busy making these beautiful breads.
Vermont Sourdough with increased whole grains
Gayathri of Gayathri's Cook Spot has been a busy bee in the kitchen. Take a look at all of the wonderful goodies she baked in July. They all look delicious to me.
Eggless Butterless Rose Cookies
Baked Nippattu / Savory Onion Crackers
Eggless Butterless Lemon Cupcakes
Heather of is keeping up the baking fun with some delicious square buns and Kalamata sourdough.
Winnie of Somthing Sweet says, “It's hotttttttttttttttttttttttt outside, but cool and nice inside. So baking is fun fun fun!!:):)” I’d say so. I’m interested in the two-poolish-dough challah buns. Yum!
Be sure to use the Google translator (in the left column) when you visit her blog.
Rich challah (Jewish bread) and rolls, made of plain+rye+whole wheat, sweetened with honey-dates
Apricot meringue cake with "golden tears"
Nostalgic apricot-meringue-cake, with "golden tears" that appear while the cake is cooling down
Soft butter rolls with homemade easy-to-make garlic-butter paste
Rich Challah (Jewish bread) made of plain + whole wheat flours, with non-dairy rich cream
Wonderful easy-to-make rich cheese pastry
Made with plain+wheat flour and veg. cream
Unique shortbread with homemade date-paste
with unique cornbread crust
Rainbow birthday cake that all kids will love to eat
Two-poolish-dough makes these vanilla- flavor challahs and rolls extra soft and fluffy
Soft almond cookies - very easy to make, with lots of almonds
Pita-bread with zaatar (middle-east spice), sesame and olive-oil
Challah (Jewish bread) & rolls made of spelt flour. Soft, fluffy and easy-to-make
Kathy in Derwood, Maryland said she’s slowing down in this heat, but she still managed to bake a bunch of bread. The grill bread and the beer crust pizza sound really good.
- Ethereal Air Bread (4 loaves)
- Rye Bread (2 loaves)
- Grill Bread (3 batches)
- Quick Beer Crust Pizza (8 pizzas)
- Department Store Muffins-Blueberry (6 batches)
- Cold Oven Pound Cake
Soepkipje has another gorgeous collage of breads. How does she do it? Take a look for yourself.
Her photo album is located here
July’s collage is located here
Jill of baked doggie treats, ginger cookies, rye bread, sandwich bread, cinnamon buns and sugar cookie crowns (that's what her Sara said they were – she thought they were dinosaur toes).
Here is the link to the doggie treats
Dinosaur Toes (aka Sugar Cookie Crowns)
Rye Bread
Sandwich Bread
Pam of made the following healthy and delicious breads. The whole wheat and spelt rolls look great. I love working with spelt.
Improved Protein Whole Wheat & Spelt Rolls
Cranberry-Walnut Rye Bread using Soaking Method
An Old Fashion Whole Grain Rye Bread
Yeast Bread with Spelt, Whole Wheat, & Mesquite Flours
Whole Grain Bread Using Spelt & Mesquite
Margie of Tea and Scones made the delicious pull-apart bread from the BOM (Artisan Bread Bakers) last month and some crumpets. Mmmm…I’d like a cup of tea with those crumpets.
Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread
Crumpets from Great Britain - Afternoon Tea
I’ve been trying to stay out of the heat outside so baking bread inside is a good alternative. Here are some of the breads I made in July::
Honey Graham Bread with Heirloom Flour
Sourdough Rye with Raisins and Walnuts
Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread
This bread was ‘da bom if you ask me!
Roasted Potato, Onion and Spelt Bread
Red Wine and Cheese Bread with Spelt
Another great month of bread-baking.
Thanks to everyone who participated in July.
Until next month…
What is BYOB?
BYOB is a yearlong adventure in baking bread. The goal is to bake as much of your own bread and other baked goods as possible in 2011.
- For more details on BYOB, click here.
- To view the list of homebakers participating in this adventure, click here
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